Tertiary, adj.
Pronunciation: ˈtərSHēˌerē
1. third in order or level.
Tertiary. Third in order. If the primary fails, and the secondary fails, what's left is the tertiary. One of the key principles of CrossFit is "General physical preparedness." We train you to be ready for everything.
We will help you improve in all 10 areas of fitness: Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, and Accuracy. We will make you more fit. If the situation arises where you need more, where you need to push beyond what you thought you were capable of, you will be ready.
That is the Tertiary Life.

Group WODs
We offer classes in a group setting. There is a new workout everyday that all members perform. This is called a group WOD or workout of the day! Click below for our current class schedule.
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